Everbee Review – Ultimate Tool for Effective Etsy Store!

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Introduction: Maximize Your Etsy Shop

Etsy has become a popular platform for selling unique handmade and vintage products. However, standing out among thousands of sellers can be a challenge. In this article, we will explore the power of Everbee, a comprehensive Chrome Extension that connects seamlessly with your Etsy store, thus enabling you to enhance your product research and keyword optimization. From creating an account to analyzing product analytics and conducting keyword research, pricing and costs, we will cover all the essential features and functionalities of Everbee. With its user-friendly interface and time-saving capabilities, Everbee is a must-have for Etsy store owners looking to increase traffic and sales.

Start to use of Everbee

  1. Creating an Account on Everbee. To get started with Everbee, you need to create an account on everbee.io. Simply visit the website and follow the registration process, then you can sign up using your email or link your Etsy account for a quick and hassle-free setup. Everbee offers different membership tiers, each with its own set of features and pricing. Choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget.
  2. Everbee Plans and Pricing. Everbee offers three membership plans: Hobby, Growth and Business. The Hobby Plan is free forever, but provides 10 analytic searches per month, limited review analytics and tag analytics, and does not require a credit card. The Growth Plan, priced at $29.99 per month, includes 30 analytic searches, unlimited favorites folder, and advanced features like review analytics and tag analytics. The BusinessPlan is the most comprehensive plan. which offers unlimited analytic searches, unlimited listing tags, unlimited revenue tracking and additionally listing and shop data. Choose the plan that aligns with your goals and upgrade as your business grows.
  3. Installing Everbee Chrome Extension. Everbee is a Chrome extension, making it convenient to use while browsing Etsy. Once you have created an Everbee account, you can install the extension by searching for “Everbee extension” on a new tab. Adding the extension to your browser will enable you to access Everbee’s features directly on Etsy. Make sure you are logged in to your Etsy account for seamless integration.

Research & Analytics

  1. Using Everbee for Product Research. One of the key benefits of Everbee is its ability to streamline your product research process. By leveraging Everbee’s integration with Etsy, you can search for products and listings with valuable data insights. Simply log in to your Etsy account and type the desired product in the search bar, then Everbee will display a small “B” logo next to each listing, indicating its monthly search volume. This information allows you to identify popular products, hence potential market trends.
  2. Finding Product Analytics on Etsy. In order to access detailed analytics for a specific product, hover over the “Product Analytics” option under the Everbee logo on the left-hand side of the screen. This will take you to the product listings for your search query. Here, you can view essential data such as prices, monthly sales, total revenue, reviews, and more. The listings are conveniently categorized, thus allowing you to filter and customize the information based on your preferences. You can choose which categories to display and create a personalized view of the data.
  3. Filtering and Customizing Product Listings. Everbee provides advanced filtering options to help you narrow down your search and focus on specific data points. By clicking on the “Filters” button on the right-hand side of the screen, you can access various filter categories such as price, sales, revenue, and reviews. Adjusting these filters allows you to refine your search and identify listings that match your criteria. Additionally, the “Customize” feature provides even more control over the displayed information, allowing you to remove unwanted categories and streamline your data view.

Everbree Pricing

  1. Hobby Plan: Free trial
  2. Growth Plan: $29.99 / month
  3. Business Plan: $99.00 / month

Everbee In-Depth Tuning

  1. Understanding Visibility Score and Conversion Rate. Everbee introduces two important metrics to gauge the performance of a product, which are visibility score and conversion rate. The visibility score indicates how well a product is ranked and displayed in Etsy search results. The higher the visibility score, the better the chances of your product being noticed by potential buyers. The conversion rate measures the percentage of views that result in actual sales, thus a higher conversion rate signifies strong product appeal and customer engagement. By analyzing these metrics for different products, you can identify high-performing listings and understand the factors influencing their success.
  2. Accessing Detailed Data on Product Listings. For a more in-depth analysis of a specific listing, simply click on the product listing to view detailed and organized data. This includes tags, which keywords have the highest search volume, and a trend graph showcasing the popularity of specific keywords over time. By selecting keywords with high search volumes and low competition, you can optimize your own listings to attract more potential customers, additionally incorporating these keywords into your product descriptions, titles, and tags will improve your visibility and increase your chances of making sales.
  3. Conducting Keyword Research. Keyword research is a vital aspect of any successful Etsy store, thus Everbee provides a seamless keyword research feature that helps you identify the most effective keywords for your listings. To conduct keyword research, hover over the Everbee logo and select “Keyword Research.” Enter your desired keyword in the search bar and analyze the search volume and, hence competition. Ideally, you should aim for keywords with high search volumes and relatively low competition. These keywords have a greater chance of generating traffic and attracting potential buyers to your listings.

Market and Competition Insights

  1. Analyzing Search Volume and Competition. Once you have entered your desired keyword, Everbee presents an overview of the search volume and competition for that keyword. A high search volume indicates a popular keyword that customers frequently search for. However, if the competition is also high, it may be challenging to rank for that keyword. Instead, look for keywords with a balanced keyword score, indicating moderate search volume and manageable competition. By customizing the view and including competition and keyword score data, you can identify valuable keywords to incorporate into your listings.
  2. Improving Your Listings. Everbee offers comprehensive insights into your own listings through the “My Listings” feature, so by hovering over the left-hand side menu, you can access your dashboard and view the data of your listings under your Etsy shop. This data includes average sales, performance metrics, and visibility scores. Focus on listings with high visibility scores to understand why they are performing well and develop strategies to enhance your other listings. Similarly, analyze listings with low visibility scores to identify underperforming keywords and areas for improvement.
  3. Monitoring Average Sales and Performance. Utilize the Everbee dashboard to monitor the average sales and performance of your listings. By regularly checking this data, you can identify trends and patterns that contribute to your overall success. The dashboard provides valuable insights into which listings are performing the best, allowing you to replicate their success in other areas of your shop. Understanding your average sales can also help you set realistic goals and track your progress over time.

Final Tunings

  1. Utilizing the Favorites Tab for Tag Analysis. Everbee’s “Favorites” tab serves as a centralized location for saving and analyzing listings you are interested in, so by clicking on the “Favorites” tab within your dashboard and selecting “Tag Analyzer,” you can access all the tags associated with your saved listings. This feature allows you to analyze and compare tags across different listings, gaining valuable insights into effective keyword usage. By utilizing this feature, you can optimize your own listings and ensure they align with successful keywords in your niche.
  2. Benefits of Using Everbee for Etsy Store. Everbee offers numerous benefits for Etsy store owners. Firstly, the Hobby Plan is entirely free, no costs to register, providing access to essential features without any cost. Additionally, Everbee’s interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced sellers. The integration with Etsy simplifies the product research and keyword optimization process, saving you time and effort. With Everbee, you can gain valuable insights into your competition, improve your listings, and make informed decisions about your products. The tool’s simplicity and effectiveness make it an indispensable asset for any Etsy store owner.
  3. Conclusion. Everbee is a powerful Chrome extension that enhances the management and success of your Etsy store, thus by effectively utilizing its features, you can conduct comprehensive product research, optimize your listings with valuable keywords, and monitor the performance of your shop and its costs. Everbee’s integration with Etsy streamlines the entire process and provides valuable data and insights that can lead to increased traffic, sales, and revenue. With its user-friendly interface and cost-effective plans, Everbee is a must-have tool for Etsy store owners seeking to maximize their potential in the competitive marketplace.

Everbee Highlights:

  • Everbee is an essential tool for Etsy store owners, who are looking to increase traffic and sales.
  • Create an account on everbee.io and choose the membership plan that suits your needs.
  • Install the Everbee Chrome extension, in order to seamlessly connect with your Etsy store.
  • Use Everbee for product research, analyze product analytics, and customize results.
  • Understand visibility scores and conversion rates to optimize your listings.
  • Conduct effective keyword research, in order to improve your keyword usage.
  • Analyze your own listings, monitor average sales, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Utilize the Favorites tab for tag analysis and Gather insights from successful listings.
  • Everbee is free to use with optional paid plans for advanced features.
  • The user-friendly interface and simplicity make Everbee an indispensable tool for Etsy store management.

Try EVERBEE now for FREE!

Everbee Review, Pricing, Costs, Everbee Review, Pricing, Costs, Everbee Review, Pricing, Costs